Born To Shine Retreat

Homework & Resources

We have provided homework, resources and supporting materials for you to reference from your time in Temecula, CA.

All content is for BTS Retreat Cohort eyes only - i.e. confidential and part of MTC's curriculum


I. Reclaim.Realign.Reimagine 

A. Reclamation Work:
Continue to work with the 4 Step Process [handout link]
To reclaim and transform any limiting narratives that may be standing in the way of you showing up in your full capacity and power.  (consider this as a vital practice)
B. Realignment Work: Look at the 6 Frontiers outlined in our time. 

HW: 6 Frontiers of Renegotiation - Realignment work.
  • What area feels most important to hone in on right now?
  • What’s working really well? What is not?
  • What’s giving you energy vs. what’s draining?
  • Where are you being called to raise your standards?
C. Reimagine Work: Blowing the doors off of what you thought was possible: 
  • What do you really want? Take the time to articulate this fully.  
  • Create a display to keep this desire(s) in front of you. 
  • What are the vital practices that support my True Ambition?
  • Create the 1st Draft of your CPR 
  • Create the 1st Draft of your 90 Day Action Plan 

Please submit your Draft CPRs & 90 Day Action Plans BEFORE your debrief session with Rha.

Specific Content Areas to Revisit

I) Thought Leadership: [Click Here for Chart]

HW: Evangelical Model: 
  1. Consider the 4 Areas: Personal Journey, Unique Perspective, Who You Serve, Profitable Vehicles 
  2. Select an area where you’d like to go deeper (think about this is the context of your next 90 days) 
  3. As you think about the next 90 Days, what is the opportunity or challenge you want to engage?  Get as specific as you can here.

II) Monetization [Click Here for Chart]

HW: Monetization:

1. As you consider where you are right now - which aspect of Monetization feels most important to focus on?
  •  Revenue Model (review the handout)
  • Pricing & Profitability
  •  Understanding Your Market & The Customer Journey
  1. As you consider your next 90 days - choose one area that you are going to hone in on to grow your revenue
  2. Identify what THE NUMBER is that you want to generate for the next 90 days and integrate that number into your CPR.

III. Pitching w/ Michael C. Clark  
[Presentation Slides

HW: Attract, Connect, Close
  1. As you consider what you want to achieve in the next 90 Days and the role that pitching will play, get clear on: 
    1. What are your superpowers? 
    2. What are your villains? 
    3. Who are you here to serve and save?
  2. Choose ONE villain that you will work to transform through your pitching practice over the next 90 days. (hint - yes, pitching should be one of your vital practices!) 
  3. Sign up for Michael’s Special 3 Session offer

IV. CPR - Calling It In!


  1. Get clear about who you want to BE i.e. your context (3-4 qualities you want to embody) 
  2. Purpose - What is the most compelling reason to do this?  In what way does it forward your larger purpose and calling?
  3. Intended Results - What do you really want to accomplish? 
  • Stay True Result - i.e. Personal Growth
  • Get Paid Result - What’s the Number? 
  • Do Good Result - Who do you want to impact (save or serve)?  How do you want to move the needle? 


V. 90 Day Action Plan

HW: 90 Day Action Plan 
  1. Use this template to create your 1st Draft 
  2. Consider 3 Vital (i.e. needle moving actions) you’ll take each week. 
  3. Consider 3 Vital Practices that will make the success of what you want to achieve inevitable
  4. One practice that supports your well being 
  5. One practice that grows your revenue (hint: pitching!) 
  6. One practices that increases your impact or capacity to achieve the goal


I. Expert's Evangelical Model
II. Business Model Criteria

III. Ambition Framework

IV. Revenue Model

V90 Day Action Plan


VII. Reclamation Ritual 4 Step Protocol 



Shaun T & Lets Get Up!

Maya Angelou w/ Bill Moyers

- Sa Roc - Forever

- Whitney Monge



Access our November BTS Retreat playlist below!

November BTS Retreat Playlist


Access our BTS Retreat Photo Gallery below to download some of your favorite photos.
Please add any photos that you have taken to share with the rest of the group!

November BTS Retreat Photo Gallery


Access our February 2023 BTS Retreat resources page below!

Feb 2023 BTS Resources


Access our June 2023 BTS Retreat resources page below!

June 2023 BTS Resources